Saturday, September 3, 2011

Brisbane Riverfire 2011 + Brisbane Festival

Back at home in Ukraine, September was always associated with melancholy and a light feeling of sadness, as that's the month when school starts, marking the end of 3 months long summer holidays and indicating that there are cold winter days ahead. 
For me it's a fantastic change,being here in Brisbane, as for the first time in my life I was really looking forward to September, so that I could say, spring is here, no more cold nights hugging my heater! ;) 
Moreover,  September is the month when Brisbane Riverfire brightens up the sky and Brisbane Festival kicks of with a whole bunch of exciting events run during the entire month up until 24th of September. 

I was especially excited as I have never seen Brisbane Riverfire before, and was really lucky to be invited to see it from the Brisbane City Council's office on the 23rd level with absolutely FANTASTIC views!!

It was amazing to watch the sky brighten up with all the colourful lights!

Riverfire marked the beginning of the Brisbane Festival ,which will feature so many interesting shows and events! I am looking forward to attending Mortal Engine this Wednesday (7th of September), which is a dance-video-music-laser performance, that uses cutting-edge technology combined with dancers’ movements creating kaleidoscopic patterns and optical illusions.
Check Brisbane Festival page to see all the events featured and read more about them.

P.S Getting very excited about the Citizenship Ceremony tomorrow where I will be volunteering at! :)

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