Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cirque Du Soleil and the rest of the weekend

As promised, I really feel like sharing my impressions from the Cirque Du Soleil show we saw with the guys tonight!
It is really hard to express it with the words though, you just have to see it,I loved every moment of it, and 2,5 hrs of the show felt like few minutes!

The performers were just unbelievable, all the tricks they did,combined with the decorations and their bright costumes just blended in the one of the most thrilling shows I've ever seen!!


Next on the "TO see" list is Dr. Zhivago at QPAC!

Anyway, after the show we all were really hungry so we headed straight to the ginga sushi bar at the Emporium and indulged in sushi in a really nice atmosphere (the valley place is so much nicer and less busier than the Southbank one, so definitely recommend it!)

On Saturday night we had the APCS young professionals first reunion at Mado's with some great food, belly dancing (some of the young professionals actually did dance with the belly dancer!, I probably shouldn't reveal their names:)and some Shisha in the end!

It was a good weekend, it finally feels like I am actually on holidays!! still have 2 more weeks to have fun and do all the planned things :)

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